Mid-River Helliwood Video Released

Our mid-river heliwood project from summer 2020 was a great success, and we’ve recently released this video describing the project in detail – check it out! https://vimeo.com/505900459
Our mid-river heliwood project from summer 2020 was a great success, and we’ve recently released this video describing the project in detail – check it out! https://vimeo.com/505900459
Here’s a beautiful aerial panorama of the Mattole estuary taken Nov. 18th, 2020 – one or two days after the mouth opened. Photo by Thomas B. Dunklin, a longtime collaborator and supporter of the Mattole Salmon Group. You can see more of Thomas’s work at https://vimeo.com/todu.
The Bear River Tribe recently held the first Salmon Return Ceremony in over 100 years at the mouth of the Mattole river. The Mattole Salmon Group was honored to help organize and facilitate the ceremony. A detailed description of the event can be found here, and recent interview on KMUD discussing the effort can be heard here.
The McGinnis Creek Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Project includes the installation of 16 large woody debris structures to increase channel complexity in this important Mattole River tributary. The project is being constructed by MSG staff this summer on Humboldt Redwoods Company (who donated the trees) and the 3030 Ranch. It is funded by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Mid River Heliwood or Heliwood 3 is the name MSG gives to this project which is located in the Middle Mattole area where Sholes and Fourmile Creeks connect to the Mattole River. The official title is the Corridor/Stansberry GGRF Large Woody Debris Project. The Save The Redwoods League (SRL) is the project lead under a grant from the CalFire. MSG has a subcontract with SRL to put the trees removed for fuel break creation to beneficial use in Sholes and Fourmile Creeks as fish habitat. MSG was assisted in this effort by Columbia Helicopters Company which transported the trees from staging areas along the fuel break to about 90 locations in the two creeks. A total of approximately 350 trees were placed. Other project partners in the wood placement include Bob Stansberry the landowner who provided the trees and on whose land the fuel break and a portion creeks are located, Native Ecosystems, Edwards Excavation and Restoration, and the US Bureau of Land Management. Photo below is of Bob Stansberry and Greg Mullins of Edwards Excavation and Restoration.
Phase 2 of the Middle Slough Restoration Project continues restoration efforts upstream in the slough connecting them to sections restored in Phase 1. These restored sections serve as holding and rearing habitat for salmon and steelhead and provide cool water, food and refuge from predators. The project located on property owned by the US Bureau of Land Management also includes upslope planting of willows, trees and other plants. Phase 2 is funded by the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife and the CA Department of Water Resources. The Mattole Salmon Group is the lead for this work with critical assistance from these partners: Mattole Restoration Council, Native Ecosystems, Edwards Excavation and Restoration, Mike Love and Associates, and the North Coast Resource Partnership.
The Mattole Salmon Group adds our voice as citizens against the inhuman brutality perpetrated in Minneapolis (and elsewhere). We are confirming our support for all people who live in the valley and especially people of color who feel fearful and vulnerable as the backlash against the nationwide protest continues to erupt.
We recently completed our 2019 retreat, which was a great success. This year we had presentations on strategic planning (and process) from our sister organizations MRC and Sanctuary Forest, and a field trip to visit a couple of project sites. Our planned float down the river was cancelled due to high water.
Lots of engaged participation of our staff, board, and other interested members of the community. This was the first MSG retreat lead by Richard Sykes, our new executive director.
Our 2019 Summer Steelhead Dive has been announced – please join us!
2019 Summer Steelhead Dive Event
We recently launched our Support The Salmon! campaign – your contribution is important to continuing our work, please join us!